With a blend of natural and organic ingredients to keep your pits feeling and smelling fresh, natural cream deodorant is an easy win for your underarms!

The thought of applying deodorant with your fingertips may have you questioning whether you want to use it, compared to the application of aerosols and roll-ons most people are used to.
However, applying with your fingers is oh so natural and more beneficial than you might realise. For example, one of our amazing customers, John, discovered a cancerous lump in his armpit during his morning routine of applying No Pong. Thankfully John had his lump successfully removed.
Touching your armpits is also great for promoting the healthy functioning of your lymph system by directly stimulating and relaxing your muscles, which is called lymphatic massage.
Applying a natural cream deodorant may spark some questions if you’re using it for the first time. How much should you use? What if your nails are getting in the way? Is there anything you can use to make the application process easier?
Look no further! For those just getting started with a natural deodorant or wondering how to use deodorant cream- here are five simple tips when applying the mixture to your armpits.
Long Nails? Try Using The Back Of A Spoon
Using a natural deodorant cream may be difficult if you have long nails. Luckily, there are a few simple ways around this that don’t involve cutting them or giving up your fabulous acrylics.
Instead, try using the back of a spoon. Apply a small amount onto the utensil, then use the round surface to spread and rub the mixture into your skin.
Otherwise, using a paddle pop stick or the back of your hand can be just as effective.
Use An Old Roll-On
This hack is for those who don’t like getting their fingers messy but want a straightforward application of their natural deodorant cream!
Instead of using your fingers, grab an old, clean, empty roll-on deodorant container. Dab the top straight into the cream (without using too much) and apply it straight to your pits.
Not only will this keep your hands clean, but it’s also a great way to reuse your old roll-on deodorants.
Less Is More
When using a cream deodorant, it’s important to remember that less is more.
You don’t need to apply large dollops to your armpits, only a small, pea-sized portion. It’s all that’s required to get you smelling fresh and ready for the day.
Not to mention, this habit will increase the lifespan of your natural deodorant, saving you money in the long run (cha-ching!). Your No Pong should last you approximately one month!
But hey, we know there are plenty of No Pongers that love a big scoop and we’re not judging!
Apply To Dry Pits
Applying to dry skin will help your natural deodorant work effectively, allowing the product to absorb better compared to wet skin.
If you’re applying after a shower, thoroughly dry your armpits before using your deodorant. Try moving on to the next step of your morning/night routine, like brushing your teeth, before coming back to apply your deodorant.
After you’ve dried off and applied your cream deodorant, it’s good to give your underarms some time to absorb the mixture. It’s best to wait a few minutes for the product to settle and absorb before putting on your shirt.
Rushing to get dressed straight after applying a natural deodorant cream may result in some of the product sticking to your shirt and possibly leaving a stain. We don’t want that happening to your favourite shirt!
Instead, give your armpit the short time it needs to absorb the natural deodorant – which should only be a few minutes. You’ll receive a stain-free shirt, fresh pits, and skin-loving benefits.
Find your new favourite natural deodorant in the No Pong range here.
If you have any questions about No Pong, please get in touch at customerlove@nopong.com.au.
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